
Parallel and distributed automated reasoning

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Welcome to the workshop on Parallel and Distributed Automated Reasoning 2022

In 2022, the workshop will be affiliated with FLOC-22

** Early bird registration deadline is 20th of June **

** Online registration deadline is 20th of July **

Goals and Scope of Workshop

The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers working on the theory, practice, and application of parallel and distributed automated reasoning. Whilst parallel and distributed computational resources have become more widely abundant, and utilised in many areas of computer science, the area of automated reasoning has not embraced this as fully. Through this workshop we aim to provide a platform for researchers to present and discuss solutions and challenges when considering the parallel or distributed execution of automated reasoners, including those from the fields of CP, SAT, SMT, ASP, (first-order and higher-order) ATP, and CHC, including the full range of algorithmic approaches. The aim is to create a broad forum that allows the cross-fertilisation of ideas e.g. allowing ideas from parallel SAT solving to inspire ATP techniques, or vice-versa.

The workshop is interested in theoretical frameworks, practical implementations, experimental studies, and applications of parallel or distributed reasoning. Relevant parallel or distributed approaches may include (but are not limited to):

Workshop Program

The workshop will feature a number of invited talks. The program is as follows.

09:00-10:30 - Parallel algorithms

Time Speaker Affiliation Title
09:00-09:45 Peter Lammich University of Twente Refinement of Parallel Algorithms down to LLVM
09:45-10:30 Anton Wijs Eindhoven University of Technology A Linear Parallel Algorithm to Compute Strong and Branching Bisimilarity

10:30-11:00 - Coffee break
11:00-12:30 - Parallel SAT solving

Time Speaker Affiliation Title
11:00-11:45 Kuldeep Meel National University of Singapore Leveraging GPUs for Effective Clause Sharing in Parallel SAT Solving
11:45-12:30 Max Heisinger Johannes Kepler University Dealing With Uncertainty Between Peers and Having the Best of Times With Distributed Systems

12:30-14:00 - Lunch
14:00-15:30 - Parallel Theorem Proving & SAT solving

Time Speaker Affiliation Title
14:00-14:45 Julie Cailler Université de Montpellier Goéland : A Concurrent Tableau-Based Theorem Prover
14:45-15:30 Max Bannach Universität zu Lübeck On the Parallel Parameterized Complexity of MaxSAT Variants

15:30-16:00 - Coffee break
16:00-17:30 - Solver diversification & Discussion

Time Speaker Affiliation Title
16:00-16:45 Markus Iser Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Beyond Portfolios of Stable Solvers
16:45-17:30 - - Discussion panel

Important dates


Workshop chairs

Workshop history

This workshop will follow on from a range of previous workshops on related topics. Some of the organisers previously co-chaired the workshop on Parallel Constraint Reasoning 2017, the workshop on Parallel Logical Reasoning 2018 and Parallel Logical Reasoning 2021.